Organic Espresso Beans & Ground
Our classic Italian mix of Arabica and Robusta is a delicious medley of chocolate, malted biscuit and rich caramel, the perfect blend of texture and flavour. Best enjoyed through an espresso machine or moka pot, where its smooth, cacao-heavy body comes topped with a deliciously rich, thick crema.

Organic simply tastes better
Organic farming practices result in higher quality beans. These practices include avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, which can negatively affect the flavour. Organic coffee beans are typically grown in more sustainable, nutrient-rich soils, leading to a fuller, richer taste.

Better for you, our producers and the planet...
We only ever source coffee that is both Organic & Fairtrade Certified. Not only does in ensure the coffee we buy is of the highest quality around, but it means all our producers are paid a fair wage, investing our premiums into the communities and towns our growers support.